risual moved a client from physical to Cloud to overcome their new challenges during the COVID-19 lockdown and to improve their organisation moving forward.

COVID-19 has caused a lot of challenges for many organisations. An international charity that risual recently worked with was struggling due to the changing times. The charity was struggling due to a huge reduction in tourist numbers caused by COVID-19 restrictions. Most of their infrastructure was stored on-premise and they had yet to consider a move to Cloud for all their data.

The organisation was incurring costs which could easily be avoided. risual’s expertise were needed to ensure the client cut down on the costs in the most effective way.  

risual engaged with the client for a single day to transfer their data over to two new virtual servers. This included:

  • Database Availability Groups
  • Mailbox Databases
  • Transfer of relays
  • Hybrid Configuration
  • Hybrid Connections
  • Exchange Online environments

Through this engagement the client began to see substantial cost savings. They were no longer paying large amounts of money for on-premise technology that was out-dated and un-needed. Instead they could out their newfound funding into creating a more productive workforce.

Contact risual today to ensure that your organisation challenges are overcome or follow us on Twitter for the latest risual updates.

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