Five qualities of people with low emotional intelligence

Part I

Scientists will less likely agree with an unscientific statement. We can assume that we have two “brains”: intellectual and sensational. People with high emotional intelligence well known for empathy, responsiveness, ability to listen, and a high level of awareness. On the other hand, what are the characteristics of people with low emotional intelligence? Why is it so difficult to build relationships with some individuals?

In this blog, we will discuss emotional intelligence’s meaning—a short introduction to the most profound psychological unknown.

Emotional intelligence, or “emotional literacy,” has been frequently discussed today. There is no surprise that we understand others better these days, recognise the reasons behind our actions, and learn behaviour management.

From the book: “Emotional Intelligence. Why does IE means more than IQ?”. Daniel Goleman wrote the following: “People with a well-developed emotional gift will be comfortable and successful in life by subordinating to the tendencies of the mind that increase their productivity. People who cannot establish at least some control over their emotional life will force to engage in internal battles that undermine their ability to work with concentration and think clearly. “

Perhaps a good question to ask: how to recognise an individual with low emotional intelligence? What are the key factors that make them different from everyone else?

We have identified that people, with low emotional intelligence, have difficulty recognising emotions: personal and others. It is often challenging to live and work with them. Furthermore, they judge others and at the same time, tortuously and inadequately perceive even the most benevolent and constructive criticism addressed.

In the next blog, we will discuss the challenges faced by people with low emotional intelligence, typical behaviours and some advice on how to stay in control of the situation if it had happened you have to deal with the low emotional intelligence individual.

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