National Coding Week

It’s National Coding Week!

If you haven’t seen already we’ve been bringing you daily facts about coding on our risual Twitter so we thought we’d give you a summary of what we’ve been learning this week.

Let’s kick it off with the first ever programmer. Do you know who it is?

Ada Lovelace was the daughter of the English Poet Lord Byron, she is considered to be the first computer programme. In 1843, she worked with Charles Babbage and created the first ever program for one of his machines, The Analytical Engine. Ada was also the first person to realize that a computer had the potential to do more than just straight maths.

Changing the tune slightly….

We have all heard of viruses, but do you know their definition?

Some programs are designed to steal your data or damage your computer (or at worst both!). These programs are called malware; viruses, worms and trojans are all types of malware.

Another coding history fact for you!

Did you know that the Enigma Machine is an encryption device developed and used in the earl-to-mid 20th century to protect commercial, diplomatic and military communication? It was employed extensively by Nazi Germany during World War II in all branches of the German military.

Alan Turing cracked the Enigma…

Alan Turing was a British mathematician, logician, cryptanalyst and computer scientist, widely regarded as the #’father of computer science and artificial intelligence’. He worked at the code-breaking centre Bletchley Park during World War II and was the primary person responsible for breaking the Enigma code.

On September 4th, 1939 the day after the UK declared war on Germany, Turing reported to Bletchley Park, the wartime station of the Government Code and Cypher School. It is estimated his contribution to the war shortened it by two to four years.

And to wrap this up a final coding fact!

Coders who study and write malware are known as hackers. Those who write malware to commit crimes or bad deeds are known as ‘black-hat’ hackers, and those who write programmes to protect against malware are called ‘white-hat’ hackers.

How many of these facts did you know already?

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