A DevOps Breakdown

“DevOps is the union of people, process, and products to enable continuous delivery of value to our end users.”

– Microsoft 

DevOps is a process in which brings people together, allowing for more collaboration, the sharing of common goals and a focus on improvement. DevOps delivers value faster to organisations, eliminated any waste to increase company’s efficiencies.

risual Managed Services DevOps provides a continuous delivery of value to its end users. But what actually is DevOps?

We break it down into 4 very easy steps to see what happens in the DevOps process:

1.       Plan

It all starts with an idea. Working together using this idea to build a scope and identify the criteria and dependencies and find out what technologies can be used to turn ideas into features.

2.       Develop and Test

Once the iteration starts, developers turn great ideas into features ​and begin to test the application to understand how the app works.

3.       Release

When all tests pass, the build is deployed to testing environments for each stage in the release process.

4.       Monitor and Learn

Learn and understand how users use your app, how it reacts and quickly fix issues and bugs

DevOps is all about integrating development with information technology operations to provide a more valued experience and application to the customer. It’s much more than just a buzzword. It’s a movement, that brings with it a whole stack of processes and tools to help drive towards a more agile environment. IT that can support business change.

Take a read of Microsoft’s blog on ‘What is DevOps?’ here https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/azure/devops/learn/what-is-devops

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