14th May 2013
Would you consider Skyping your Doctor?
Skype is being used everyday all around the world for friends and family to stay…
14th May 2013
Skype is being used everyday all around the world for friends and family to stay…
8th May 2013
Come along to risuals event “Innovating Communications to Transform your Business – What is new…
16th April 2013
Just a note to let you know that the April 2013 CU’s for Lync Phones…
8th April 2013
We recently had a Support Ticket raised under the SharePoint banner that reported when some users…
3rd April 2013
An issue i had whereby a user could share his desktop over Lync 2013 but…
4th March 2013
Just an FYI that CU1 for Lync 2013 are now released, this fixes a multitude of…
15th February 2013
After migration to Lync 2013 internally, we needed to move over the DHCP scope options…
30th January 2013
I came across a great problem when migrating Lync 2010 to Lync 2013 recently. This…
23rd January 2013
I posted this some time ago so I thought I would update it for Lync…
11th January 2013
As the below TechNet article suggests, using DFS for files is supported: “Microsoft Lync Server…
9th August 2012
I found this great blog post from Tarek Radi discussing what has changed in the…