risual and Womble Bond Dickinson (WBD) have been working together for 15 years…

They’ve recently entered a 5th generation annuity contract after building a strong and honest partnership, especially with the Managed Services team. Over these years, risual and WBD have worked closely together on their ever-evolving relationship with the ongoing development of the Managed Service agreement.  

The existing challenges

The previous support contract included 24×7 proactive monitoring and 3rd line support, however at the beginning of 2020, WBD were seeking a more flexible agreement to complement their journey to the cloud. 

Tailored Support

risual Managed Services work to create a security blanket and an extended support service for an array of clients, recently rated 9 out of 10 or higher by several clients across the LRG, Education and Manufacturing sectors for Net Promoter Score. One client said,

“Amazing and professional technical services. All issues are being serviced and resolved through courteous and speedy customer service. I’m a very happy customer”.  

Proactive Monitoring

rMS will work 24×7 alongside WBD to proactively prevent security incidents prior to them happening, allowing WBD to focus on delivering a seamless service to its clients. 

What Does the Future Hold?

Over the next three years, the WBD roadmap focusses on migrating further applications and systems to the Microsoft Cloud to transform into a Microsoft 365 and Azure led organisation. There are considerations such as Azure Sentinel and a Managed Security Operations Centre to help continue develop its Microsoft Cloud footprint.  

Contact risual today to ensure that your business challenges are overcome or follow us on Twitter for the latest risual updates.   

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