Part of risual’s commitment to bringing positive digital transformation change is to constantly be looking at ways to improve not only our own organisation, but our current clients. Collaborating with them to understand what new opportunities are blooming and how we can best encourage digital adoption across all types of sectors and companies.  

This leads us into an engagement with a global toy organisation, and their transformation journey.  

risual had worked with the client, providing key updates and changes to their Intune technology. Through working with them on one project our Sales and Consultant teams formed a strong bond with the senior management. This allowed for conversations to be had on what else the organisation could improve and how risual could support them in their transformation. 

Our consultants pride themselves on being knowledgeable in their technology areas but also friendly and open-minded when it comes to helping our clients. Our teams collaborated across the organisation and set up calls with the client to ensure progress was being made.  

Since our first engagement our Consultants have gone into the organisation a second time and provided Always-On technology, ensuring staff are adopting it correctly and that the desired increase in services, accessibility and productivity is achieved. The strong bond between risual and the client allows us to best give advice, best practices and ultimately implement the technology they need. 

Moving forward, more conversations are being discussed between Sales, Consulting, and the client to work on our relationship and really take the client into the digital world.  

Contact risual today to ensure that your organisation challenges are overcome or follow us on Twitter for the latest risual updates.   

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