A Government Department which is supported by several other departments aims to provide support to communities across the UK – encouraging areas to thrive and succeed. risual has been working with this client for many years, on both tactical and strategic projects helping it to achieve a digital and modern workforce.  

Initially, the client was already using Microsoft 365 services but needed to ensure this environment was being managed from a security perspective. As cyber-attacks and threats continue to become more sophisticated, it’s is critical for all organisations including Central Government and Local Regional Government to invest in security.  

Your in safe hands with risual Managed Services  

From research, it has been found that organisations find it challenging to sometimes understand all the complexities found in its implemented technology and could miss out on useful features to support its transformation. For this reason, many organisation lean towards a annual contract with a trusted Managed Services Provider (MSP). Statista recently released a statement, “From 2020 until 2026 the global investment for managed services is expected to increase by 80%”.

From this project the client has been able to see that even the standard Microsoft products provide significant amounts of protection and insight to the its environment when deployed as a suite.  risual and the client will continue to work together ensuring security underpins any and every engagement.  

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