The central government client required the service of a digital specialist to develop its existing strategy and improve its overall productivity. risual offered the implementation of Power BI with Business Intelligence, delivered through the Central Operations Platform (COP).

Data for people

risual designed a solution that enabled the COP data team to design and deploy Power BI reports, delivered seamlessly through the COP application.

Data insights are now used by over 5000 staff members using Power BI Embedded technology. Data pipelines were created using Data bricks and Spark Streaming, enabling a real-time data view. A self-service BI pilot was run, putting analytical tools in the hands of employees, allowing them to answer their own questions and make faster, better-informed decisions.

Previously, data was manually downloaded from COP in CSV format and munged before being made available in reports. This process could take days or weeks with the data being out of date by the time it was delivered. Following the successful engagement, the client is now able to quickly share reports and insight related to operational changes driven by COVID-19 and Brexit.

Looking forward, risual will work with the client to help them progress and develop the data value chain, introducing data science, predictive analytics, machine learning and AI.

risual and the client have been working together over the past year to develop their digital transformation. The client has provided consistent NPS (net promoter score) feedback on risual’s services, with a recent NPS rating of 8/10.

“Really positive and professional services delivered with sensitivity to the constraints on our organisation.”

risual currently holds an NPS score of 74, which is significantly higher than the industry average (60), demonstrating a strong focus on client satisfaction.

If you wish to start your digital transformation, please contact risual on 0300 303 2044 or email

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