Business leaders understand that Data is fast becoming one of the most important drivers to an organisation’s success, with Gartner (2022) stating that Data literacy skills are now a core requirement for all employees moving forward.

A programme and project management consultancy company recognised they had an issue with duplication of content across the organisation, which was creating repetitive, time-consuming tasks to collate and use this content for their Bid function. The areas the content was stored on included SharePoint sites, Windows network shares, the corporate website, an online image repository and a legacy system considered to be archived data. The disparity of the content not only meant the organisation’s processes were costly but also it meant internal audits flagged data breaches and posed potential risk.

risual engaged with the organisation to understand the extent of their content and data concerns further. The approach taken was to perform user interviews with each department to understand what data they need, what the best storage solution is for that area and how they can best share that content with others across the organisation. Ensuring they had a structure that worked for all, and content was clear and easy to locate. The findings we’re highlighted with recommendations aligned with best practice on how to manage their content moving forward.

Performing the audit and producing data visualisations in charts and matrixes, enabled them to have a concise overview of the different content types within each area. Allowing them to reflect from a system perspective regarding structure/file hierarchy, general usage with access details for permissions and searchability. It provided them with details on metadata captured, file types and publication as well as tagging and taxonomy. Structured recommendations allowed them to make informed decisions to remove duplicity and consider how each area is best used.

Providing this clear view to the customer means they are in a much better place to understand:

  • What content they have
  • What structure the content was along with the file type and size
  • How the content was stored
  • How often the content was being accessed

Since the original audit has been completed, the organisation is moving onto Digital Asset Management project, which will involve mapping processes and gathering requirements to start the migration of the content to an area accessed by those required.

If you would like support on your data journey do not hesitate to get in contact with us today on or 0300 303 2044.

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