19th August 2021
Logistic Firm recruits Data Analyst with risual Education Apprenticeship services
One of the largest logistics companies in the UK, offering supply chain services to global brands, was struggling…
19th August 2021
One of the largest logistics companies in the UK, offering supply chain services to global brands, was struggling…
19th August 2021
An engineering and environmental consultancy offering a wide range of services needed to recruit a new…
19th August 2021
A London University was working alongside a training provider to support the recruitment and interviews of relevant apprenticeship opportunities. Unfortunately,…
18th August 2021
An NHS Foundation Trust, providing mental health and community services, required training on the content to include with the Microsoft Teams services for its…
2nd August 2021
A Community Benefit Society experienced growth and wished to expand its IT department. The organisation desired to…
26th July 2021
By using risual education, employers can grow their workforce consistently, with qualified and motivated apprentices. We offer a way for people of all ages…
26th July 2021
With an ever-growing digital skills gap, the supply chain organisation wanted to develop its workforce. The client had an existing apprentice but wasn’t receiving the appropriate training from the previous training provider. The apprentice could…
9th July 2021
An IT service organisation was growing in a geographically challenged area and needed to develop its workforce to cope with its increasing workload.…
17th March 2021
Discover how NHS Walsall aim to bridge the digital skills gap by hiring talent through…
9th March 2021
The customer A local government organisation brings together local councils and organisations to build a…
27th October 2020
Due to COVID-19 guidelines, a vast amount of apprenticeship recruitment has been suspended or delayed…
26th October 2020
risual engaged with a UK council of over 500 employees as they were in the…