The importance of change management for adoption

Change happens in every organisation. This could be planned or unplanned, but it always requires management to ensure success. Without correct change management techniques, organisations will struggle to gain complete adoption from users.

What is adoption/change management

Change is a movement through the current state, transition state and future state, whilst managing both the technical and people aspects of the organisation. Managing the change is not enough on its own. There should be a heavy focus on user adoption through driving awareness and building the desire and capability of new ways of working.

Resistance is something to always be prepared for when rolling out change to an organisation. Users can be anti-change for a number of reasons, including being highly invested in current ways of working, or expecting more work as a result of the change. It is best to manage resistance by doing change management right first time. Ensure benefits of the change are communicated and ensure users are fully informed.

How BAs use it

Business analysts conduct change management following the Prosci methodology, which consists of three components:

  • PCT Model – a simple but powerful framework for establishing and connecting the most important aspects of any successful change (Leadership/Sponsorship, Project Management & Change Management).
  • ADKAR Model – a highly effective model for guiding individuals through the experiences, or elements, needed to make the change (guide for sharing communications with users).
  • Prosci 3-Phase Process – a structured, flexible framework for driving change at the organisational level.

Together, these three components provide wrap around coverage for all you need to achieve success when rolling our change to the organisation.

Working with clients, we develop change strategies to suit their needs and requirements, detailed comms plans to focus on what will be said, when and how it will be shared.

Benefits of change management for adoption

Without change management users can feel surprised and overwhelmed by the change potentially. This can result in failed rollouts, low adoption/usage and even additional costs. Following the techniques allows users to feel prepared and supported to handle the change. Users are more likely to meet objectives and stay on schedule/budget.

Key benefits include:

  • Driving successful change
  • Improved communication
  • Increased productivity
  • Reduced stress
  • Improved decision making

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