18th Best Company to Work For

We’re really proud to announce that risual have been named the 18th best company to work for in the Midlands and ranking as the 2nd best IT company to work for!

Best Companies are leading workplace engagements that compile a list each year to discover which companies are doing it right when it comes to their workforce. risual not only being a part of this list but being in the top 20 shows that we value our employees, enable them to say have a say and really want to spread our caring #risualFam culture.

‘Alone we can do so little, together we can do so much’, or so the saying goes, and employees in this part of the UK feel no different. The Best Companies is based of the 8 factors of workplace engagement:

My Manager – How employees feel about and communicate with their direct manager.

Leadership – How employees feel about the head of the organisation, senior management and the organisation’s values and principles.

My Company – The level of engagement employees feel with their job and organisation.

Personal Growth – How employees feel about training and their future prospects.

My Team – Employees’ feelings towards their immediate colleagues and how well they work together.

Wellbeing – How employees feel about stress, pressure at work and life balance.

Fair Deal – How happy employees are with pay and benefits.

Giving Something Back – The extent to which employees feel their organisation has a positive impact on society.

risual’s employees have score the company against the above 8 factors and out of all the companies in the Midlands we have ranked 18th as a best company to work for!

None of this would be possible without the support and culture our teams and workforce create, so a big thank you to the whole of the #risualFam for creating such a lovely place to work.

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