Microsoft has recently completed the rollout of SharePoint hub sites, those are now available in all tenants.

Hub sites are designed to organise related sites (Communication Sites and modern Team Sites) into portals with consistent navigation and unified look and feel. Great thing about the new hub sites is the way the sites can be moved between different portals, a flexibility which would be difficult to achieve with a traditional site collection and sub-sites structure. This flexibility becomes very useful when an organisational structure changes and sites need to be re-arranged to represent the new hierarchy.

By linking a site with the hub, Navigation, Theme and Logo will be applied to the newly joined site. News and activities from the joined sites will be added to the aggregated view of news and activities in the hub.

There are a few important points to mention:

  • Sites can be joined to a hub by site owners (not the hub site owner)
  • Sites can only be joined to one hub at the time
  • Hub sites cannot be nested under other hub sites

Alongside with the features already mentioned, hub sites also provide a scoped search including results from the hub and all associated sites.

Converting a site to be a hub site requires PowerShell – Register-SPOHubSite.

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