Having an effective and secure spine to your organisation is key to maintaining the flow of the way business operates. The cloud has completely transformed the way organisations deal with security threats, taking more of the responsibility from them, which is freeing up time for employees and empowering them to be much more productive.

A shift to mobile working has been becoming more and more prominent and whilst it presents agile and flexible styles of working, it doesn’t come without its risks. Mobile working can also put sensitive company confidential information and data at greater risk from cyber threats.

So, let’s look at three ways in which you can help fortify the spine of your systems security by adopting these simple strategies.


Reduce threats with identity and access management

With ‘more than 80 percent of employees admitting to using non-approved software-as-a-service (SaaS) applications in their jobs’* this suggests that there are no isolated issues surrounding data protection, having identity and access management can help reduce the risk. Cyber-actors will see corporate vulnerabilities to access networks and steal internal and customer data/details. You can minimize this risk by eliminating the need for multiple credentials and replacing it with a single identity to access cloud and on premise resources. Limiting employee privileges and access can also help reduce the risk.


Manage mobile devices and apps

The emergence and prominence of mobile working (BYOD) presents an enormous risk to data security, if some basics steps aren’t followed. A stolen or lost device is vulnerable and risks the potential leaking of corporate or personal data. The challenge with BYOD security, is trying to minimize disruption to allow employee productivity to soar. Basic protection methods such as being transparent with that the IT is doing to devices can help protect the corporate data. To maintain productivity, don’t disrupt the user-flow – this is critical to ensure that the management of certain applications doesn’t disrupt the entire device.


Increase enterprise data protection

Enterprise Data Protection (EDP) should be something that all organisations look towards when discussing security measures – especially with mobile devices. Whilst BYOD devices encourage greater productivity and ease of access to company resources, that can also pose a risk. Enterprise Data Protection helps to protect against potential data leakage to unauthorised apps or locations. This will ensure that they’re fully encrypted should they be lost or get stolen. This is all done without putting stress on an employee’s experience.


Click here to download the Microsoft e-book ‘Protect Your Data: 7 Ways to Improve Your Security Posture’


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