I occasionally work with security roles and find that it’s not one of my favourite tasks on any project I work on, especially when it comes to creating full security roles from scratch. Today I removed one I’d made for testing to see how quickly I could get it back and have found a significantly faster way to create them.
– Settings
– Administration
– Security Roles
– New.
This, in my opinion is every CRM administrators most dire screen of the whole product. What I’ve found was that the actual ‘ribbon’ is actually clickable, and will do every item in the column
So if you wish to give everyone full organisational ‘Read’ click ‘Read’ till you’ve got full organisation rights, and if you only want to give users ‘User/BU’ settings (For creation) click on the ‘Create’ heading till you get the correct user settings, which will end up as below:
This will still require some fine tuning depending on user needs, but this is significantly faster than doing all settings 1 by 1.

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