I posted this some time ago so I thought I would update it for Lync 2013:
I was asked how to check that Lync Schema upgrade was successful. Hopefully the following information is useful:
Use the following cmdlet to verify that schema preparation ran to completion:
• Get-CsAdServerSchema
This cmdlet returns a value of Schema_Version_State_Current if the schema prep was successful.
If you want to go a step further:
In ADSIedit, under the Schema Container, look for the ms-RTC-SIP-SchemaVersion attribute. Opening the properties, look for the rangeUpper attribute. Check the list below for the correct value for your environment:
- LCS 2005 – 1006
- OCS 2007 R1 – 1007
- OCS 2007 R2 – 1008
- Lync Server 2010 – 1100
- Lync Server 2013 – 1150
For Lync 2010, the rangeLower value should be 14.
For Lync 2013, the rangeLower value should be 3.
Checking that the ms-RTC-SIP-SchemaVersion values on each DC is what is expected, confirms that the changes have replicated around your AD.
To confirm that AD replication has occured, you can use the following command:
• repadmin /replsummary
This shows the AD replication state and relative health of the forest.