Dynamics CRM 2011 – 10,000 Row Export Limit

Recently have had the pleasure of having to export large amounts of data from Dynamic CRM 2011 into an Excel based format. Lucky me that I didn’t realise that you can only (by default) export up to 10,000 rows of CRM data into each excel file. Here is the way around it.

Note: Please revert this change when you’ve completed your export, as it can cause timeout issues (etc) when exporting.

1: Open up SQL Server Management Studio where your CRM database is hosted.
2: Open up the organisation database where the data is hosted (Which you want to export) – NOT the configuration database.
3: Go to the table: ‘dbo.OrganizationBase’ and edit the table (Edit top 200 rows)
4: Alter the row value for ‘MaxRecordsForExportToExcel’ to your required value, take into consideration timeout factors (10,000 is default)
5: Save the changes.
6: IIS Reset (Just as a precaution)
7: Export all the the data you wish
8: Set the default value back to 10,000 – save – restart IIS.

You can now export larger amounts of data into an Excel fomat.



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