Adding an IPV6 address as a Manage Out Machine in a DA NLB

A customer of ours had an issue recently when they wanted to add an IPv6 address as Manage Out server in DA.

Normal process would be to:

  • Open the “Remote Access Management Console”
  • Select DirectAccess and VPN
  • Go to Step 3 and press edit
  • Select Management
  • Double Click empty space
  • Select address and provide IPv6 Address

However we noticed that the IPv6 address option wasn’t there when trying to add a Manage Out server to a DA 2012 Server when it was Load Balanced via NLB.


If you need to add the IPv6 address to a NLB DA solution, you have to do it via PowerShell.

Simply run the following command on a DA server that’s part of the NLB. (Change text in Red to the IPv6 you want to add)

Add-DAMgmtServer -MgmtServer fdc6:a401:6062:3333::5

Then simply apply the configuration J

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